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Parent: OURISIA Comm. ex Juss., 1789

10. O. sessilifolia Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 218.

Stem 3 mm. or more diam., mostly hidden by ± horizontal lvs. Lamina subcoriac., spathulate to suborbicular, narrowing gradually to short broad petiole; margins regularly finely crenate; upper surface and margins densely clad in long tapering hairs, undersurface glab. to variously hairy. Peduncle erect, hairy, often without cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts us. in pairs, oblong-spathulate, ± crenate near obtuse apex, both surfaces us. hairy. Pedicels c. ═ corolla in fl., elongating in fr., densely clad in multicellular hairs. Calyx unevenly divided; lobes broad, entire, obtuse to truncate, with hairs as on pedicel. Corolla glab. outside.

Lamina suborbicular, up to 2.5 × 2.5 cm.; longest hairs non-glandular, much shorter glandular hairs numerous but easily seen only on undersurface of rosette-lvs and sts on calyx var. splendida
Lamina ± spathulate, us. < 2 cm. long; glandular hairs as long as non-glandular, especially easily seen on pedicels 2
Living lvs all near tip of creeping stem; hairs on and between veins on undersurface of basal lvs var. sessilifolia
Living lvs ± evenly distributed along length of creeping stem; undersurface of basal lvs glab. or with hairs on veins only var. simpsonii