Names of Authors
Additional to those listed in Volume I
Country of origin and/or scene of work
‡Worked in New Zealand (P) Present century
BACKER: C. A. Backer. Netherlands.1874–1963.
BEETLE: A. A. Beetle. U.S.A.1913–(P).
BENL: G. Benl. Germany.(P)
‡R. BR. ter.: R. Brown. Scotland.c. 1824–1906. In N.Z. 1876–1906.
‡BROWNLIE: G. Brownlie. N.Z.(P)
CHAPM.: A. W. Chapman. U.S.A.1809–1899.
CHIOVENDA: E. Chiovenda. Italy.1871–1940.
CLAIRV: J. P. de Clairville. Switzerland.1742–1830.
O. F. COOK: O. F. Cook. U.S.A.1867–1949.
DEW.: C. Dewey. U.S.A.,1784–1867.
DOCKRILL: A. W. Dockrill. Australia.(P)
DREJER: S. T. N. Drejer. Denmark.1813–1842.
‡EDGAR: E. Edgar. N.Z.(P)
GRIFF.: W. Griffith. India.1810–1845.
GRIS: J. A. A. Gris. France.1829–1872.
GUNN: R. C. Gunn. Tasmania.1808–1881.
HARTM.: K. J. Hartman. Sweden.1790–1849.
HONCK.: G. A. Honckeny. Germany.1724–1805.
HORKEL: J. Horkel. Germany.1769–1846.
JACQUES: A. Jacques. France.1780–1866.
L. JOHNSON: L. A. S. Johnson. Australia.(P)
JUSS.: Ant. L. de Jussieu. France.1748–1836.
A. JUSS.: Adr. L. de Jussieu. France.1797–1853.
KELLER: R. Keller. Switzerland.1854–1939.
KERN: J. H. Kern. Netherlands.1903–(P).
Y. KIMURA: Y. Kimura. Japan.1912–(P).
KLOTZSCH: J. F. Klotsch. Germany.1805–1860.
KOYAMA: T. Koyama. Japan.(P)
KRASSER: F. Krasser. Germany.1863–1922.
KROCK.: A. J. Krocker. Germany.1744–1823.
KURZ: S. Kurz. India.1834–1878.
LEJ.: A. L. S. Lejeune. Belgium.1779–1858.
LEVYNS: M. R. Levyns. South Africa.1890–(P).
LIEBM.: F. M. Liebmann. Mexico.1813–1856.
MAST.: M. T. Masters. England.1833–1907.
MAXIM.: K. J. Maximowicz. Russia.1827–1891.
MERR.: E. D. Merrill. U.S.A.1876–1956. Philippines.
NICHOLLS: W. H. Nicholls. Australia.1885–1951.
NYLAND.: F. Nylander. Denmark.1820–1880.
‡ORNDUFF: R. Ornduff. U.S.A.(P) In N.Z. 1954–1955.
PETIT: F. Petit. France. Floruit1829.
H. PFEIFF.: H. Pfeiffer. Germany.1896–(P).
C. B. PRESL: C. B. Presl. Czechoslovakia.1794–1852.
RAUNK.: C. Raunkiaer. Denmark.1860–1938.
B. REES: B. Rees. Australia.(P)
ROXB.: W. Roxburgh. England.1751–1815.
SCHINZ: H. Schinz. Switzerland.1858–1941.
SCHLEIDEN: M. J. Schleiden. Germany.1804–1881.
SMALL: J. K. Small. U.S.A.1869–1938.
A. C. SMITH: A. C. Smith. U.S.A.1906–(P).
E. ST. JOHN: E. P. St. John. U.S.A.(P)
TARD.: Marie L. Tardieu-Blot. France.1902–(P).
THUILL.: J. L. Thuillier. France.1757–1822.
A. VACCARI: A. Vaccari. Italy.1868–(P).
VAN STEENIS: C. G. G. J. van Steenis. Netherlands.1901–(P).
VOLKART: A. Volkart. Switzerland.1873–1951.
WIMM.: C. F. H. Wimmer. Poland.1802–1868.