Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Abbreviations of titles of journals are not listed here; with a few exceptions (e.g. T.R.S.N.Z. for the Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand) the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 1952, has been followed as in Volume I. Full titles of many of the books cited are listed under Annals of Taxonomic Research.

Herbarium abbreviations used in Volume I are given in square brackets.

A.: Auckland Is
actin.: actinomorphic
AD-U: Herbarium of Botany Department, University of Adelaide, South Australia
AK: Herbarium of Auckland Institute and Museum [A]
alt.: alternate; occasionally altitude
andr.: androecium
Ant.: Antipodes Id
auct.: auctorum, of authors (auth.)
B: Herbarium of Botanisches Museum, Berlin
BM: Herbarium of British Museum (Natural History) [BM]
BRI: Botanic Museum and Herbarium, Brisbane
C.: Campbell Id
c.: circa, about, approximately
CANTY: Herbarium of Canterbury Museum, Christchurch [CM]
CANU: Herbarium of Botany Department, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
Ch.: Chatham Is
CHR: Herbarium of Botany Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Christchurch [BD]
cleist.: cleistogamic
CN: Herbarium of Laboratoire de Botanique, Faculté des Sciences, Caen
comb.: combinatio, combination
cop.: copious
coriac.: coriaceous
cot.: cotyledon
cult.: cultivated
descr.: descriptio, description
diam.: diameter
dimin.: diminutive
dioec.: dioecious
dist.: distribution
ed.: edition
emend.: emendavit, emended
epig.: epigynous
et al.: et alii, and others
excl.: exclusus, excluded
f.: filius, son (following author name)
F1: first filial generation
fig.: figure (f.)
fl.: flower; plural fls
FL.: flowering period (months by numbers)
fld: flowered
fr.: fruit; plural frs
FT.: fruiting period (months by numbers)
gen.: genus
GH: Gray Herbarium of Harvard University
glab.: glabrous
GOET: Herbarium of University of Goettingen [G]
gyn.: gynoecium
hab.: habitat
HAL.: Herbarium of Institut für Systematische Botanik der Martin Luther-Universität, Halle
herb.: herbarium
hort.: hortorum, of gardens
hypog.: hypogynous
ibid.: ibidem, in the same place
ic.: icon, pl. icones, illustration
Id: island; plural Is
ind.: indehiscent
ined.: ineditus, unpublished
infl.: inflorescence; plural infls
K: Herbarium of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew [K]
K.: Kermadec Is
lat.: latitude south
LD: Herbarium of Botanical Museum, Lund
leg.: legit, collected
If: leaf; plural lvs
lflt: leaflet; plural lflts
lfy: leafy
LINN: Herbarium of the Linnean Society of London
loc. cit.: loco citato, in the place cited
M.: Macquarie Id
MEL: National Herbarium of Victoria, Melbourne [Melb.]
membr.: membranous
monoec.: monoecious
MS: manuscript
n: haploid number of chromosomes; 2n, diploid number
N.: North Id
NSW: National Herbarium of New South Wales, Sydney
N.Z.: New Zealand
nom.: nomen, name
nom. cons.: nomen conservandum, conserved name
nom. nud.: nomen nudum, bare name, i.e. without description
nov.: novus -a -um, new
occ.: occasional, occasionally
op. cit.: opere citato, in the work cited
opp.: opposite
OTA: Herbarium of the Botany Department, University of Otago, Dunedin
P: Herbarium of Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [P]
p.: page; plural pp.
p.p.: pro parte, in part
p. max. p.: pro maxima parte, for the greater part
p. min. p.: pro minima parte, for the smaller part
ped.: pedalis, foot
pend.: pendulous
per.: perianth
perig.: perigynous
pl.: plural or plate
rud.: rudimentary
S.: South Id
sect.: section
seg.: segment; plural segs
sens. ampl.: sensu amplo, in a broad sense
sens. lat.: sensu lato, in a broad sense
sens. strict.: sensu stricto, in a narrow sense
ser.: series
sic.: sicut, so in original
Sn.: Snares Id
sp.: species; plural spp.
subsp.: subspecies; plural subspp.
St.: Stewart Id
sts: sometimes
t.: tabula, plate
T.S.: transverse section
UC: Herbarium of the University of California, Berkeley
us.: usually
var.: varietas, variety; plural vars
WELT: Herbarium of Dominion Museum, Wellington [W]
WELTU: Herbarium of Botany Department, Victoria University of Wellington
x: basic chromosome number
zyg.: zygomorphic
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