Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Inside Flap




L.B. Moore and E. Edgar

Volume I of Flora of New Zealand by H.H. Allan, published in 1961, dealt with all the indigenous vascular plants except monocotyledons. The present Volume II is similarly concerned only with indigenous plants and includes all the monocotyledon families except Graminae, the main descriptive text being a direct continuation from Volume I.

During the preparation of this second volume it has been possible to grow a large proportion of the species, to carry out some crossing experiments, and to ascertain many chromosome numbers. Thus, for the most part, descriptions are drawn up from a knowledge of both living and pressed plants. A great many nomenclatural types have been examined and these and original localities are quoted for almost all species mentioned. As before, synonymies and bibliographic references are dealt with rather fully. Newly recognised taxa, described in a series of precursory papers, are included. The text figures are all new, 25 by Nancy M. Adams and 18 of orchids, by J. Bruce Irwin.

A chronological enumeration amplifies and continues to the end of 1968 the Annals of Taxonomic Research, covering the New Zealand Tracheophyta in general, not monocotyledons alone. In an index to the Annals the works there cited are classified according to the families with which they deal. Chromosome numbers published up to the end of 1968 are listed for indigenous conifers, dicotyledons, and monocotyledons. Corrigenda (but not addenda) to Volume I complete this volume.

Cover by Nancy M. Adams.