Abbreviations of titles of journals and books are not listed here; with a few exceptions (e.g., T.R.S.N.Z. for the Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and T.N.Z.I. for Transactions of the New Zealand Institute) titles are abbreviated as in the World List of Scientific Periodicals 4th ed., 1963. Abbreviations of herbaria follow Index Herbariorum 7th end., 1981.
A | : Auckland Is |
agg. | : aggregate |
Ant | : Antipodes I. |
App. | : appendix |
auct. | : auctorum, of authors |
B | : Bounty I. |
C | : calcium hypochlorite |
C | : Campbell I. |
c. | : circa, about, approximately |
cf. | : confer compare |
Ch | : Chatham Is |
diam. | : diameter |
E | : East or Eastern |
Ed. | : Editor; plural Eds |
ed. | : edition |
e.g. | : exempli gratia, for example |
emend. | : emendavit, emended |
et al. | : et alii, and others |
fig. | : figure |
fl. | : floruit, (of a person) he flourished, he lived at this period (used when exact birth and death dates unknown) |
herb. | : herbarium |
I | : iodine |
I. | : Island; plural Is; |
ibid. | : ibidem, in the same place |
i.e. | : id est, that is |
K | : potassium hydroxide |
Lat. | : latitude south |
leg. | : legit, collected |
loc. cit. | : loco citato, in the place cited |
M | : Macquarie I. |
N | : North or Northern |
N | : North I. |
n.s. | : new series |
N.Z. | : New Zealand |
nom. cons. | : nomen conservandum, conserved name |
nom. nud. | : nomen nudum, bare name, i.e., without description |
op. cit. | : opere citato, in the work cited |
p. | : page; plural pp. |
Pd | : paraphenylenediamine |
pr.p. | : pro parte, in part |
p. max. p. | : pro maxima parte, for the greater part |
p. min. p. | : pro minima parte, for the smaller part |
pers. comm. | : personal comment |
pl. | : plate |
Ra. | : range, plural Ras |
S | : South or Southern |
S | : South I. |
sens. lat. | : sensu lato, in a broad sense |
sens. strict. | : sensu stricto, in a narrow sense |
ser. | : series |
sic. | : sicut, so in original |
s.l. | : sea level |
Sn | : Snares I. |
sp. | : species; plural spp. |
subsp. | : subspecies; plural subspp. |
St | : Stewart I. |
tab. | : tabula, plate |
tax. vag. | : taxon vagum a name used in a somewhat uncertain rank; "tax. vag." has sometimes been used in names in the position of and instead of a term denoting rank (e.g., Baeomyces turbinatus (tax. vag.) B. crispatus Ach.) |
TLC | : thin-layer chromatography |
tr. | : trace |
var. | : varietas, variety; plural vars |
viz. | : videlicet, namely, that is to say |
W | : West or Western |
sensu | : in the sense of |
ser. | : series |
Sn. | : Snares Is |
sp. | : species; plural spp. |
St. | : Stewart Id |
subsp. | : subspecies; plural subspp. |
subvar. | : subvariety |
t. | : tabula, plate |
TS | : transverse section |
var. | : varietas, variety; plural vars |
vide supra | : see above |
W. | : west or western |