Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Glyphis cicatricosa

G. cicatricosa Ach., Syn. meth. Lich.: 107 (1814).

Description : Flora (1985: 171).

N: Northland (Kaitaia), South Auckland (Bombay Hills, Mt William Scenic Reserve, E of Kopu). On bark of Beilschmiedia taraire. Known also from India and Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazil, Réunion, New Caledonia, Hawai'i, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Australia (Awasthi 1991; Pant 1991; Nakanishi 1966; Filson 1996; Aptroot 2002e; Staiger 2002; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Illustrations : Fée (1837: tab. XXVI, figs 5A, B); Nakanishi (1966: 105, fig. 19A–D; pl. V, fig. 5); Brodo et al. (2001: 324, pl. 344); Staiger (2002: 39, fig. 1; 170, figs 45, 46; 495, figs 222–226).

Glyphis cicatricosa is characterised by: an olivaceous or pale grey-green thallus, developed as bands or patches on bark; apothecia in raised, round to irregular pseudostromata, the margins white, the disc brown, roughened, semi-immersed, irregularly branched, radiate–flexuose with rounded ends; and 5–10 septate, fusiform–ellipsoidal ascospores, 32–50 × 7–8.5 μm.

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