Siphula complanata (Hook.f. & Taylor) R.Sant.
Sphaerophoron complanatum J.D. Hook. et Taylor, Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 3: 654 (1844).
Siphula subcoriacea Müll. Arg., Miss. scient. Cap Horn Bot. 1882-1883, 5: 151 (1888).
Thallus lobes elongate, narrow, strap-like, 2-3 mm wide, 15-30 mm tall and c. 0.2 mm thick, simple, rarely branched, margins entire. Surface smooth, greenish-brown to fawn, rarely fenestrate, ± uneven roughened to subrugulose in parts. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C+ green, Pd-. Porphyrilic acid and strepsilin.
S: Nelson (Mt Augusta) southwards down West Coast to mountains of Fiordland, reaching eastwards to the Main Divide at Harris Saddle. St: Mt Anglem to Port Pegasus. A subalpine species characteristic of very damp, often inundated soils; a common "mud-puddle" species of peat bogs or wet soils in high-rainfall areas.