Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pseudocyphellaria chloroleuca

P. chloroleuca (Hook.f. & Taylor) Du Rietz, Bot. Notiser 1924: 53 (1924).

Sticta chloroleuca Hook.f. & Taylor, Lond. J. Bot. 3: 649 (1844).

Pseudocyphellaria freycinetii var. chloroleuca (Hook.f. & Taylor) Vain., Hedwigia 38: 187 (1899).

Sticta freycinetii var. chloroleuca (Hook.f. & Taylor) Zahlbr., Bih. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 57 (6): 18 (1917).

=Sticta psilophylla Müll.Arg., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31 (2): 29 (1892).

Pseudocyphellaria psilophylla (Müll.Arg.) D.J.Galloway & P.James, Lichenologist 12 (3): 301 (1980).

=Sticta variabilis var. cinerata Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-natuwriss, Kl. 104: 288 (1941).

Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco [probably Bay of Islands], J.D. Hooker No. 2ho – FH. Isotype – BM. For notes on typification see Galloway (1988a: 87).

Sticta psilophylla. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. Charles Knight – G.

Sticta variabilis var. cinerata. Holotype: New Zealand. Northland, Anawhata, in open Leptospermum shrubland on L. scoparium, 10 m, iii.1935, H.H. Allan ZA 513 – W.

Description : Flora (1985: 455 – as Pseudocyphellaria psilophylla). See also Galloway (1988a: 87–89).

Chemistry : 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-7β, 22-diol (tr.), hopane-15α,22-diol, methyl gyrophorate and gyrophoric acid (C+ pink, fleeting).

N: Northland (Three Kings Is) to Wellington. S: Nelson to Westland (Greymouth), and Southland (Bluff Hill) [map in Galloway (1988a: 90, fig. 34)]. An epiphyte of trees and shrubs and also on rocks in open, lowland coastal forest in partial shade to full sun, s.l. to 270 m. Most common in northern coastal habitats. Known also from Lord Howe I. (Galloway 1988a: 89; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Exsiccati : Vězda (1997d: No. 300 – as Pseudocyphellaria psilophylla).

Illustrations : Galloway (1988a: 88, figs 32, 33).

Pseudocyphellaria chloroleuca is characterised by: linear-elongate often somewhat ragged, convex to strongly canaliculate lobes; a pale, glabrous lower surface; a white medulla; a green algal photobiont; fragile, marginal and or laminal, terete isidia (simple to coralloid); and a distinct but often fleeting C+ red reaction (gyrophoric acid) of the cortex.

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