Multiclavula corynoides (Peck) R.H.Petersen
Clavaria corynoides Peck Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. nat. Hist. 31: 39 (1879).
Fruiting bodies simple, lobed or primordially branched to sublacerate, 1-2.5 cm tall, often subspathulate or laterally compressed at least towards base, apex whitish, noticeable on drying. Contextual hyphae somewhat inflated, 3.5-15 µm thick, thin to thick-walled, hyaline, loosely arranged and interwoven in apical parts, tightly packed and parallel towards base, bearing very small and inconspicuous clamp connections throughout, walls almost dry to heavily gelatinising. Subhymenial hyphae narrow, 1.5-3.5 µm thick, hyaline, thin-walled, clamped. Basidia short, 15-30 × 3.2-5 µm basally clamped; subglobose when young, cylindrical to subclavate with age, 4-5-6-sterigmate, sterigmata short, thin, easily collapsed; hymenium thickening by branching and basidium production from basal basidial clamp connections. Spores smooth, thin walled, elongate-ovoid to cylindrical, sometimes curved, weakly laterally apiculate, aguttulate, 5.6-8.2 × 2.1-3.5 µm.
S: Canterbury, in Nothofagus forests east of the Main Divide. On rotting wood in litter on forest floor in humid sites. Still very poorly collected in New Zealand.