Aulaxina Fée
Thallus crustose, effuse, with a ± cartilaginous, corticiform layer, foliicolous. Photobiont green, species of Chlorococcaceae. Apothecia adnate, round to angular or elongate. Exciple brownish-black, at first covering hymenium then rupturing apically, in marginal part with distinct, irregularly orientated hyphae. Paraphyses branched and anastomosing. Asci oblong or obclavate to spheroid, thin-walled at maturity. Ascospores transversely septate to submuriform, fusiform to ± cylindrical, usually with rounded ends, colourless, not halonate.
Aulaxina is a genus of foliicolous lichens included in the family Graphidaceae and contains 8 pantropical species [Santesson, Symb. bot. Upsal. 12: 296-306 (1952)]. One species is known from New Zealand and was first collected from the leaves of Metrosideros excelsa in November 1981 by J.K. Bartlett.