Verrucaria aucklandica
Holotype: New Zealand. Auckland, Anawhata, on coastal rocks, L.M. Cranwell 195. W. Isotype CHR.
Descriptions : Flora (1985: 606). See also McCarthy (2001j: 179).
N: Northland (Poor Knights Is), Auckland (Anawhata, Rangitoto I.). On coastal rocks. Known also from W and S Tasmania (McCarthy 2001j: 179; 2003c) and recorded recently from Taiwan (Aptroot 2003a: 171).
Illustration : McCarthy (1991b: 329, fig. 7 – as Verrucaria tessellatuloidea).
Verrucaria aucklandica is characterised by: the coastal rock habit; areolate, grey-brown to greenish brown thallus; convex to hemispherical perithecia, ⅓–⅔ immersed; pale- to dark-brown exciple; and ascospores, 8–13 × 4.5 –8 μm.