Arthonia Ach.
Thallus crustose, effuse, ecorticate or immersed, corticolous or foliicolous or lichenicolous. Photobiont green, Trentepohlia, Phycopeltis or in Chlorococcaceae. Ascocarps adnate to sessile or immersed, immarginate, presenting a somewhat "rubbed-down" appearance, rounded to irregular, stellate or ± lirelline. Ascospores colourless to brown, transversely septate (1-8-septate), obovate to fusiform, very variable, 2-8 per ascus.
Arthonia is a large cosmopolitan genus with c. 500 species described. Some species are non-lichenised fungi living as parasymbionts or parasites on lichens, or as saprophytes [Santesson Symb. bot. upsal.12: 68-91 (1952)]. Problems of nomenclature in the genus are discussed by Santesson ( loc. cit. pp. 68-75). Twelve species are recorded from New Zealand, but the genus is still very poorly collected and understood here.