Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Coniocybe Ach.

CONIOCYBE Ach., 1816

*Account prepared by Dr L. Tibell (Uppsala).

Thallus crustaceous, epi- or endosubstratic. When episubstratic the thallus is minutely granular to farinaceous. Photobiont: Stichococcus or Trentepohlia. Apothecia well-stalked. Capitulum obconical, lenticular or spherical. Stalk tissue of ± sclerotized, dark brown hyphae, or hyaline. Hyphae of stalk strictly periclinally arranged. Excipulum well-developed or almost completely lacking. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci dissolving at an early stage, cylindrical to clavate. Ascospores simple, spherical, hyaline or medium brown, often with ornamentation. Chemistry: Containing tetronic acid derivatives and quinonoid pigments.


Spores medium brown; stalk black; photobiont Stichococcus
Spores hyaline; stalk yellowish to reddish-brown; photobiont Trentepohlia
Thallus episubstratic, greenish-yellow; lower side of excipulum and upper part of stalk with greenish-yellow pruina
Thallus endosubstratic or episubstratic, greenish-grey; lower side of excipulum and upper part of stalk with reddish-brown pruina
Capitulum 0.12-0.24 mm diam.; excipulum extending upwards, with distinctly porrectulate margin and a swollen, white collar at base
Capitulum 0.35-0.52 mm diam.; excipulum forming a basal collar, but not extending upwards; basal collar hidden by mazaedium, not strongly contrasting with stalk and capitulum
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