Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Tremolecia M.Choisy

TREMOLECIA M. Choisy, 1953

Thallus crustose, epilithic or endolithic, never effigurate, never with cephalodia. Photobiont green, Protococcus. Apothecia lecideine, small to medium-sized, coal-black, occasionally blue-grey, disc nearly always with a distinct raised margin. Hypothecium colourless to brown-black, clearly distinct from excipulum. Excipulum massive, uniformly coal-black, paraphyses slender, numerous, loosely anastomosing, slightly thickened at apices. Asci thin, clavate, with a well- developed tholus, 8-spored. Ascospores medium to large, thick-walled, halonate.

Tremolecia is included in the family Biatorellaceae with Sarcogyne [Hertel Ergebn. Forsch. Unternehmens Nepal Himal. 6 (3): 350-359 (1977); Poelt and Vĕzda, Bestimmungsschl. europ. Flecht. Erg. II: 335 (1981)]. It is a saxicolous genus and comprises 5 species from mountainous areas and the Arctic. It is separated from other genera in the Lecideaceae by the massive black excipulum. One species is recorded from New Zealand [Hertel Herzogia 2: 483 (1973)].

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