Cetraria delisei (Bory ex Schaer.) Nyl.
C. islandica δ delisei Bory ex Schaerer, Enum. lich. eur.: 16 (1850).
Thallus fruticose, of erect or decumbent lobes, loosely attached to substrate, terricolous or among mosses or low vegetation, very brittle when dry. Lobes 2-6 mm wide at base, 0.5-1 mm wide apically, 3-5(-9) mm tall, weakly canaliculate, irregularly or dichotomously branched. Lower surface variegated dark brown to pale yellowish-brown or greenish, matt or glossy, smooth or ribbed or slightly faveolate in parts, sometimes maculate (×10 lens). Upper surface concolorous, smoother than lower surface, glossy or dull, pseudocyphellae laminal, common, white, fleck-like, marginal projections scattered and never abundant, 0.1-0.5 mm long. Apothecia (not seen in New Zealand material) marginal at ends of lobes, disc 2-17 mm diam., dark brown to light brown. Ascospores ellipsoidal 6-8.5 × 2.5 µm. Pycnidia at ends of marginal projections, dark brown. Conidiophores 10-20 µm. Conidia rod-shaped 3-5-7 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd-. Gyrophoric and hiascic acids.
S: Otago (Old Man Ra., Rock and Pillar Ra.). On ground or amongst cushion vegetation 1300-1700 m.
First discovered in New Zealand by Prof. Gunnar Degelius (Askim, Sweden) on the Rock and Pillar Ra. in 1970 and by Mr Peter Child on the Old Man Ra. in 1977.