Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Podocarpus acutifolius Kirk

P. acutifolius Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 16, 1884, 370, t. 26.

Shrub or small tree with slender branches, up to 9 m., trunk up to 4 dm. diam., bark thin. Lvs 1·5-2.5 cm. × 0.75-3·5 mm., green, linear, acuminate, pungent, midvein us. indistinct; stomatal lines sts more distinct than in the allied spp. Male strobili 1-2 cm. long, axillary, solitary or up to 4 together on common peduncle 2-3 mm. long; peduncle furnished above with 2 narrow-triangular keeled scales and below with 4 ovate scales; apiculus obtuse. Ovules solitary or rarely paired on peduncle c. 1 mm. long; receptacle of 2 obtuse scales us. red, swollen and succulent. Seeds narrowly ovoid.

DIST.: S. Lowland and montane forest and scrub. Marlborough Sounds westward and south to South Westland, lat. 43° 50'. Type locality near source of Buller River. The tall-growing forms are possibly of hybrid origin.

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