Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Nephroma lepidophyllum Räsänen ex Gyeln.

N. lepidophyllum Räsänen ex Gyelnik, Annls cryptog. exot. 4: 147 (1931).

As for N. cellulosum but with coarse, terete to squamiform phyllidia along ridges between faveolae, at margins of lobes and fringing the margins of apothecia. The backs of the apothecia are also ± areolate-scabrid. Chemistry: Zeorin, unidentified terpene (as in N. cellulosum) perlatolic acid and unidentified pigment (±).

S: Canterbury (Nina Valley near Lewis Pass, Otepatatu Reserve, Banks Peninsula, Peel Forest), Otago (Flagstaff). Southland (Sutherland Falls). On bark of Fuchsia and Leptospermum, Nothofagus and Podocarpus in damp, humid, shaded situations. Rarely on rocks in these places, 300-600 m. Still very much undercollected in New Zealand. Known also from Tasmania and Southern Chile.


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