Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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This synopsis includes all plant groups treated in the Flora of New Zealand Series, Volumes 1 to 5.

  • A. Division PTERIDOPHYTA 
    • (vascular cryptogams; for detailed synopsis see p. 2). Plants with alternation of free-living generations. Sporophyte usually perennial and herbaceous, reproducing by spores. Spores giving rise to small filamentous or thalloid gametophytes (prothalli) bearing archegonia and antheridia on the same or different prothalli.
    • 1. Class PSILOTOPSIDA )
    • 2. Class LYCOPSIDA (club-mosses) )
    • 3. Class EQUISETOPSIDA (horsetails) )
    • 4. Class FILICOPSIDA (ferns)
  • B. Division SPERMATOPHYTA 
    • (seed plants). Plants with a single free-living generation. Sporophyte annual or perennial, herbaceous or woody, reproducing by seeds. Gametophyte reduced to few cells enclosed in sporophytic tissues and never independent.
    • 1. GYMNOSPERMAE . 
      • (gymnosperms; for detailed synopsis see p. 39) Mostly evergreen trees or shrubs. Xylem usually without vessels. Fls usually unisexual, very rarely ⚥, lacking a perianth, generally in conelets composed of scale lvs (sporophylls) bearing the reproductive parts. Ovule naked but often protected by conelet. Seed lacking true endosperm.
      • 1. Class CONIFEROPSIDA (conifers)
      • 2. Class TAXOPSIDA (taxads)
    • 2. ANGIOSPERMAE . 
      • (flowering plants) Trees, shrubs or herbs. Xylem nearly always with vessels. Fls ⚥ or unisexual, usually with a perianth, variously arranged but only very rarely in cone-like infls. Ovules enclosed in an ovary. Seed often with endosperm.
      • a. DICOTYLEDONS . 
        • (for detailed synopsis see p. 65) Embryonic plant nearly always with 2 cotyledons. Vascular bundles of stem usually arranged in a circle. Lf venation usually reticulate. Fls mostly 4-5-merous, rarely 3-merous, or rarely parts numerous or spirally arranged.
      • b. MONOCOTYLEDONS . 
        • (treated in Volumes 2, 3, and 5) Embryonic plant with 1 cotyledon. Vascular bundles of stem usually scattered. Lf venation usually parallel. Fls mostly 3-merous.
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