Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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This Flora was begun in May 1975 and completed in 1987; we thank successive Directors of Botany Division, Dr E. J. Godley, Dr H. E. Connor, and Dr W. Harris, for their considerable support and encouragement. Most members of Botany Division, both present and past, have made some contribution to the work and we gratefully acknowledge their help. Over the years technical assistance was provided by G. B. Clark, J. B. Cummack, P. C. M. Douglass, S. K. S. Erickson, M. A. Genet, J. Glasson, L. Hutton, J. Littleton, J. V. Lovis, B. A. Matthews, M. Morris, P. J. Newton, B. V. Patterson, J. E. Shand, L. R. Stephenson, K. J. Stewart, M. E. Taylor, T. A. Williams, and E. H. Woods. Most of the text figures were drawn by P. A. Brooke and R. H. Conway, and a few by A. M. Hodgins Jones, S. B. Malcolm, and V. E. New; the cover was prepared by P. A. Brooke; most of the photographs for the colour plates were taken by R. Lamberts, and a few were provided by E. K. Cameron, J. C. Smith Dodsworth, C. J. Miles, and W. F. Rennie; assistance with locating and interloaning literature was provided by the library staff, especially M. E. Blackmore, R. E. McNaughton, L. Nesbitt, and S. J. Taylor; many weedy plants were cared for by the gardens staff, particularly by I. C. Brown and D. J. Purcell; B. H. Macmillan dealt with herbarium exchange of critical specimens; chromosome counts, essential for identifying species in some difficult groups, were made by E. J. Beuzenberg and M. I. Dawson. We wish to thank M. and D. Young and their staff at Wordcom, Christchurch, for placing some of the original text on disc and A. White and her staff at Lincoln, especially A. J. M. Martin, for their willingness and efficiency in typing the remainder of the text and dealing with the numerous revisions and alterations.

We are particularly grateful to M. A. O'Brien who provided essential support by checking details in the text and assisted all the authors in many ways, to Dr E. Edgar, who supplied the information for the Annals of Taxonomic Research, and provided advice from her own experience of Flora writing as well as support and encouragement throughout the project, to Dr H. E. Connor, who guided the Flora in its early stages, and to A. J. Healy whose knowledge, gained through a lifetime of studying naturalised plants, was made freely available.

We acknowledge our debt to the many field officers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and M. D. Hampton, Plant Protection Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Auckland, the Noxious Weeds Inspectors of County Councils, the specialist weed officers attached to stock and station and other commercial and non-commercial organisations, and the officers of statutory authorities, all of whom have brought new naturalised species to our notice and have contributed in other ways to our knowledge of naturalised plants.

Yet again all the large herbaria in New Zealand have been used freely and we are indebted to the Directors and the officers immediately in charge of each. We particularly thank A. E. Wright (AK), E. K. Cameron (AKU), C. E. Ecroyd (NZFRI), and Dr P. J. Brownsey (WELT).

We are grateful to the many friends and colleagues who have assisted by sending a considerable number of specimens, or information about naturalised plants in their regions, in particular N. M. Adams (Wellington, Coromandel), F. C. Allen (Lincoln), E. B. Bangerter (Auckland), Dr G. Brownlie (Canterbury), E. K. Cameron (Auckland), J. S. Clayton (Ruakura), Dr N. M. U. Clunie (Northland), C. Devonshire (Whangarei), F. C. Duguid (Levin), C. E. Ecroyd (Rotorua), A. E. Esler (Auckland), L. Esler (Dunedin), Dr R. O. Gardner (Auckland), M. Heginbotham (Opotiki), Dr P. N. Johnson (Otago), P. J. de Lange (Waikato), Prof. J. D. Lovis (Canterbury), I. R. McGuiness (Gisborne), F. A. Meeklah (Otago), T. C. Moss (Wellington), C. C. Ogle (North Id), C. Porter (Nelson), E. K. Reynolds (Whangarei), D. W. Rooney (Hororata), G. Y. Walls (Hawke's Bay), Dr P. A. Williams (Nelson, Canterbury), Dr B. J. Wills (C. Otago), H. D. Wilson (Banks Peninsula, Mt Cook, Stewart Id), E. P. R. Woodhouse (Bluecliffs, Canterbury), and A. E. Wright (Auckland). Many others contributed in more minor ways.

Many colleagues in New Zealand and overseas offered specialist advice on nomenclature or taxonomy of particular plant groups, examined specimens of New Zealand material, or arranged for us to see plants collected from the regions in which they are indigenous. We especially thank the following for their help: A. R. Arnold (Crassulaceae), K. A. Beckett ( Aeonium), Dr P. Berry ( Fuchsia), Dr D. Bramwell ( Chamaecytisus), Dr B. G. Briggs ( Plantago), Dr M. I. Brooker ( Eucalyptus), Dr R. K. Brummit ( Calystegia), Dr A. L. Cabrera ( Ambrosia), Dr C. D. K. Cook ( Ranunculus), Dr G. E. Crow ( Sagina), A. P. Druce (many indigenous genera), Dr Hj. Eichler ( Hydrocotyle), Dr M. B. Forde (Fabaceae), Dr D. J. Galloway (literature, various groups), Dr R. E. Gerau ( Rubus), Dr P. E. Gibbs ( Calicotome), Dr H. F. Glen (Aizoaceae), P. S. Green (various genera), Dr C. Grey-Wilson ( Clematis), T. Griffiths ( Rosa), H. K. Hall ( Rubus fruticosus agg.), Dr R. M. Harley ( Mentha), Dr R. J. F. Henderson ( Solanum), Dr H. J. Hewson ( Lepidium), Dr O. M. Hilliard ( Senecio), Dr P. C. Hoch (Onagraceae), R. M. Jenkin (Crassulaceae), A. C. Jermy ( Polystichum, Selaginella), Prof. B. Jonsell ( Rorippa), Dr I. M. Johnstone ( Nymphaea), D. H. Kent ( Polygonum), C. C. K. van Kraayenoord (Salicaceae), M. D. Meikle ( Salix), P. W. Michael ( Amaranthus, Oxalis), A. Newton ( Rubus fruticosus agg.), Prof. T. Norlindh ( Osteospermum), Dr R. J. Pankhurst ( Rubus fruticosus agg.), L. Pedley ( Racosperma), Prof. W. R. Philipson (dicotyledons), Dr P. H. Raven (Onagraceae), Dr N. H. Robson ( Hypericum), P. D. Sell ( Hieracium), Dr J. S. Sheppard (erosion control plants), N. P. Taylor (Crassulaceae), P. Taylor ( Utricularia), J. Thompson ( Oxalis), Prof. V. N. Tikhomirov ( Alchemilla), Dr M. D. Tindale ( Racosperma), Dr S. M. Walters ( Alchemilla), Dr M. D. Wilcox ( Eucalyptus), Dr J. H. Willis ( Pratia), H. D. Wilson (many groups), Dr P. G. Wilson (Chenopodiaceae), R. Wilson (many cultivated genera), and Dr P. F. Yeo (Geraniaceae).

The following generously gave of their time to read and comment on substantial parts of drafts of the text: Dr R. J. Chinnock, Dr H. E. Connor, C. E. Ecroyd, Dr E. Edgar, R. L. Hathaway, A. J. Healy, Dr H. J. Hewson, F. B. Knowles, Prof. J. D. Lovis, R. E. McNaughton, Prof. D. M. Moore, Dr J. G. West, and A. E. Wright. H. D. Wilson made time to read most of the text.

The production of the Flora was coordinated by C. J. Webb who also checked, edited, and where necessary rewrote the text. R. G. Broadhead and S. J. Knight assisted with the indexing and final preparation of the text by computer for typesetting. P. Watson (Caxton Press) and J. Holden (Quickset) were unfailingly helpful in overseeing the typesetting and printing of the Flora.

The publication of this Flora was funded through the generosity of the Miss E. L. Hellaby Indigenous Grasslands Research Trust.

Lastly the support and encouragement of M. G. Cromey, E. M. Dommisse, A. J. Garnock-Jones, L. Mallard, G. P. Royds, H. D. Wilson and C. J. Webb's cat, Spotty, contributed to the successful completion of this Flora.

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