Volume III (1980) - Flora of New Zealand Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous & Spathaceous Monocotyledons
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Juncus effusus L. var. effusus

Var. *effusus


Inflorescence lax and open, lowest branches always curved downwards. Flowers distant, evenly dispersed along branches.

N., S., St., C. Throughout in damp pasture and wet places. (Europe, W. and Central Asia, E. and S. Africa and temperate N. Africa)

First record: Hooker 1864: 290, as "J. communis E. Meyer".

First collection: Early N.Z. specimens at Kew collected by Colenso and Cunningham and determined by Hooker as J. effusus are in fact J. usitatus. The earliest specimen at Kew of J. effusus is "Titirangi, T.F.Cheeseman No. 11, Nov. 1874."

Also treated in N.Z. as J.communis auct. non E.Meyer; J luxurians Col. T.N.Z.I. 19, 1887, 269 (Type:WELT 11239"Norsewood", Colenso).