Phaeographis australiensis Müll.Arg.
Thallus thick, creamish-white, undulate or roughened, rugose with minute, reticulate cracking, corticolous. Lirellae prominent, flexuous, 1-3 × 0.5 mm, ends often acute, thalline margins distinct, proper exciple prominent, open, base variable. Ascospores 8 per ascus, very pale brown, younger spores colourless, 9-12-locular, 38-60 × 8-10 µm, often with a distinct tag at either end. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
N: Three Kings Is, to Taranaki, lowland and coastal. On bark of Acer, Cotoneaster, Dacrycarpus, Ilex, Meryta, Pinus and Pomaderris.