Lecanactis redingeri Zahlbr.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Feilding, on bark of Cordyline australis in podocarp forest. H.H. Allan ZA 3220, CHR 378576!
Thallus pale yellowish-green to whitish-green, closely attached, and spreading in rounded patches, to 8 cm diam., corticolous. Upper surface continuous, minutely granular-verrucose, matt. Apothecia lecideine, sessile, constricted at base, dispersed or crowded in groups, distorted by mutual pressure, rounded to subirregular, 1-1.5 mm diam., disc plane to convex, densely white-pruinose becoming pinkish-white, black and shining beneath pruina, margin dark brown or black, thin, entire, often crenulate-contorted. Hymenium 160-180 µm tall, dark brown at epithecium, colourless below. Hypothecium brown-black. Asci crowded, clavate, apices rounded. Ascospores 3-4-seriate, 7-septate, curved, 38-45 × 3 µm. Chemistry: Lepraric and schizopeltic acids and 2 unidentified compounds (UV+ violet.)
N: Three Kings Is to Wellington. Lowland and coastal, often on the bark of Cordyline australis.