Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Coccotrema cucurbitula (Mont.) Müll.Arg.

C. cucurbitula (Mont.) Müll. Arg., Nuovo G. bot. ital. 21: 51 (1889).

Pertusaria cucurbitula Mont. in Gay, Híst. fís. pol. Chile Bot. 8: 200 (1854).

Thallus crustose, granular, warted or lumpy, 0.1-0.15 mm thick, continuous or ± areolate-cracked, corticolous, rarely saxicolous. Upper surface whitish-grey or creamish or yellowish-cream. Cephalodia plane to subglobose, pale pinkish or creamish-pink, best seen when wet. Apothecia immersed, singly in small, subglobose warts scattered on the upper surface, 0.5-1.4 mm diam., with a small, round, apical pore and a pale pinkish margin. Ascospores 8 per ascus, simple, ellipsoid, 52-67 × 26-31 µm, wall to 4 µm thick. Chemistry: K+ yellow → red, C-, KC+, red, Pd+ orange. Stictic, norstictic and salazinic acids.

N: (Northland to Wellington). S: (Nelson to Southland). St: Widespread, mainly coastal though also inland in beech forests east of the Main Divide. Rarely on rocks in alpine areas. Often found with Lecidea ceroplasta on the bark of Dacrydium cupressinum, also well-developed on twigs of Dracophyllum in subalpine scrub.

Western Pacific

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