Megalospora bartlettii
Holotype: New Zealand. Northland, Te Paki Trig Bush, on Agathis australis bark, 34º27's, 173ºE, 260 m, 7.ix.1982, J.K. Bartlett – AK.
Description : Flora (1985: 266–267).
Chemistry : K−, C−, KC+ yellow, Pd−; containing usnic and zeorin.
N: Northland (Te Paki), Auckland (Waitakere Ra. [Bartlett 1988]). S: North-west Nelson. On bark of Agathis australis and Metrosideros excelsa. Still very poorly collected and understood in New Zealand.
Megalospora bartlettii is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the pale yellowish thallus with stunted–coralloid isidia present; the atrorubicans -type ascospores (1-septate, 1 per ascus, 80–100 × 35–40 μm); and usnic acid and zeorin as main chemical constituents.