Chiloglottis formicifera Fitzg.
Recorded by Cheeseman in T.N.Z.I. 33, 1901, 312–313. This seems to be the only report of the sp. in N.Z. The above description is quoted from Rupp (Orchids of N.S.W. 1943, 44) who cites some half dozen collections in N.S.W.
"Stem rarely exceeding 9 cm. in height, relatively robust. Leaves sessile, stem-clasping, their margins often but not invariably much undulate-crisped. Dorsal sepal narrowly cuneate with a short point. Lateral sepals narrow-linear, spreading, sometimes recurved. Petals broad-linear, spreading or almost erect. Expanded lamina of the labellum almost rhomboid, but occasionally rounded in front, with a short point. Calli numerous, chiefly in two groups, one towards the claw and one on the anterior half extending to the apex; the posterior calli including several insectiform ones, one very large and double-headed, resembling an ant; the anterior calli small. Column-wings broader than [C. reflexa and C. trapeziformis], not as high as the anther. Fl. chiefly Sept."
DIST.: N. "Vicinity of Kaitaia, Mongonui County, R. H. Matthews".
Cheeseman (loc. cit. 313) states: "Mr Matthews's specimens agree in all respects with the beautiful plant in Fitzgerald's 'Australian Orchids'" but specimens from Matthews at WELT and at CANTY show some differences in labellum.