Lyperanthus R.Br.
Fls solitary or few in short raceme; floral bracts large, us. exceeding ovary. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, deeply concave, ± hooded over column; lateral sepals and petals narrower, subequal, spreading or deflexed. Labellum shorter, sessile or very shortly clawed, sts 3-lobed; margin toothed to entire; calli ± papilla-like or in form of longitudinal ridges. Column elongate, incurved, sts narrowly winged; anther terminal, papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, finely granular; stigma prominent, discoid; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers globose to conical, us. produced at some distance from parent plant. Lvs 1–3, sheathing at base, broad or narrow. Genus of uncertain limits, about 9–10 spp. confined to Australia, New Caledonia and N.Z.; the N.Z. sp. endemic and not closely similar to any other.
Fig. 23. APOROSTYLIS, CHILOGLOTTIS, LYPERANTHUS. Lettering as in fig. 20, p. 103. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X2F]