Leioderma pycnophorum Nyl.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Greymouth, super vegetabilia destructa. Richard Helms, H-NYL!
Thallus foliose-lobate, loosely attached, to 6 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes to 5 mm broad, laciniate, subimbricate, broadly rounded, margins often ascendent, entire or bordered with small, somewhat isidiate, applanate or verruciform lobules. Upper surface greyish-green, glaucous or brownish-grey, smooth, matt or scabrid (×10 lens) particularly towards margins and apices. Lower surface pale whitish at margins, buff-brown centrally with tufts of long (0.5-2 mm), silky white or blue-black rhizines. Apothecia frequent, often crowded, sessile to subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., disc plane or subconvex, pale or dark red-brown or blackened, smooth, waxy, with a pale proper margin, excluded in older fruits. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, 14-18 × 5-6 µm.
N: Auckland (Hunua Ra.) to Wellington. S: Nelson to Southland. Widely distributed on twigs in damp, moist rather low-light habitats, lowland.
L. pycnophorum is a twig species characteristic of moist, humid habitats in shade or in partial sunlight, especially in areas of disturbance where hosts such as Leptospermum are abundant. It is an epiphyte of: Coprosma, Cyathodes, Dacrycarpus, Griselinia, Leptospermum, Lophomyrtus, Pseudowintera and Weinmannia.