Calopadia subcoerulescens
≡Lopadium subcoerulesens Zahlbr. in A. Zahlbruckner, K. Keissler & H.H. Allan, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 59: 312 (1928).
=*Chlorocyphella lichenicola Keissl. in A. Zahlbruckner, K. Keissler & H.H. Allan, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 59: 313 (1928).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Kitchener Park, Feilding, on leaves of Alectryon excelsus, H.H. Allan s.n. – W [fide Santesson (1952: 538)].
* Chlorocyphella lichenicola. Holotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Feilding [Kitchener Park], rainforest "in thallo sterili Lichenis ad folia Myrti bullatae, et in thallo Lopadii subcaerulescentis ad folia Polystichi vestiti et Alectryonis excelsis", H.H. Allan s.n. – W – not seen.
Description : Flora (1985: 262 – as Lopadium subcoerulescens).
N: Wellington (Totara Reserve Pohangina Valley, Kitchener Park Feilding, Hutt Valley). S: Canterbury (Peel Forest), Otago (Woodside Glen), Southland (Dolamore Park, Gore). On leaves of Alectryon excelsus, Asplenium bulbiferum, Beilschmiedia tawa, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides, Myrtus bullata, Podocarpus totara, Pseudowintera colorata, Polystichum vestitum in lowland forest, especially at bush margins in partially shaded, humid habitats. Known also from China, India, South Africa, Réunion, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Australia (Queensland), the Dominican Republic and Mexico (Santesson 1952; Hafellner et al. 1989; Farkas & Sipman 1997; Lücking & Kalb 2001; Kalb 2001c; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Rønhede et al. 2003; Farkas 2004; Herrera-Campos et al. 2004).
Western Pacific
Illustrations : Thor et al. (2000: 33, fig. 2 H, I; Lumbsch et al. (2001: 47); Malcolm & Malcolm (2001: 34, 45).
Calopadia subcoerulescens is characterised by: the foliicolous habit; the continuous to dispersed, smooth, greenish grey to grey-white, matt or subnitid thallus without a marginal prothallus; often abundant greyish campylidia oriented in the same direction; a black apothecial disc with greyish margins; and a bluish hypothecium 40–60 μm tall. Sérusiaux (1979b: 92) includes C. subcoerulescens within the variation of C. puiggarii.
The lichenicolous fungus * Chlorocyphella lichenicola Keissl. (Zahlbruckner et al. 1928: 313–314) was described from sterile thalli of C. subcoerulescens collected from Kitchener Park, Feilding, by H.H. Allan. Santesson (1952: 49) synonymised Chlorocyphella with Pyrenotrichum, and Hawksworth (1981: 60) subsequently synonymised Chlorocyphella lichenicola under Pyrenotrichum splitgerberi Mont. (q.v.). As indicated above, Lücking et al. (2000a) recommended rejection of the names Pyrenotrichum and Chlorocyphella, because the application of the oldest available name for this group of species, Pyrenotrichum, is ambiguous as to whether it refers to Calopadia or Tapellaria, since both have the same type of campylidia (Kalb & Vězda 1987; Lücking & Santesson 2002).