Melanotheca irregularis Zahlbr.
Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago, Mount Cargill near Dunedin, on Neopanax simplex at 400 m. J.S. Thomson ZA 3270 (T 2104), CHR 378613!
Thallus whitish to dingy brownish, often blackened, spreading in irregular patches, 2-5 cm diam., areolate, areolae irregular, rarely subsquamulose, angular, convex, on a narrow black prothallus. Pseudothecia in stromata, 2-9 together, irregularly rounded or oblong, convex, concolorous with thallus, ostioles minute, black, 0.1 mm diam., or less. Ascospores uniseriate, cylindrical-ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, apices rounded, 3-septate, 4 locules rounded or angular to ± diamond-shaped 12-19.2 × 4-6.4 µm.
S: Known only from the type collection.