Lecidella carpathica Körb.
Thallus granular-areolate, areolae rather friable, bullate, scattered, 0.1-0.3 mm thick, 0.5-1.0 mm wide, whitish or yellowish or greyish, lacking a prothallus, in scattered patches 1-3 cm diam., saxicolous. Apothecia 0.2-1.0 mm diam., sessile on areolae, scattered to ± crowded, rounded, disc black, matt, plane, margins black, shining, prominent, entire or slightly flexuose, persistent. Epithecium greenish black to blue-black. Hymenium 50-75 µm tall, blue in upper part, colourless below. Paraphyses simple-, rarely branched or anastomosing, conglutinate, apical cell spherical c. 5 µm. Asci 50-55(-60) × 10-12 µm with a conspicuous I+ blue apical tholus. Ascospores ellipsoid, 12-15.3 × 5-8.3 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow, C-. Atranorin.
N: Wellington, Sine loco (Charles Knight - BM!). S: Otago, Cromwell, Dunedin (W.L. Lindsay - E! H-NYL!). Recorded in earlier accounts as Lecidea parasema var. latypea and L. latypiza.