Ramalina peruviana Ach.
Thallus erect, shrubby, 2-4(-8) cm tall, densely and intricately branched, corticolous. Branches greenish-grey, solid, flattened, becoming terete or subterete towards apices, 0.1-0.9(-1.5) mm wide, weakly striate or ridged or subfenestrate in basal parts, sorediate. Soralia mainly marginal, rarely laminal, often ± knobbly-protuberant, eroded, punctiform, 0.05-0.6(-1.2) mm wide, often giving rise to minute branchlets which are deformed or granular, soredia farinose, white or greenish. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Homosekikaic, sekikaic and ramalinolic acids.
N: Northland (Three Kings Is) to Auckland. S: Marlborough (Stephens I.), Otago (Silver Peaks). Most commonly collected from trees and shrubs in northern coastal forest. Still very poorly known.