Lycopodium volubile G.Forst.
L. d'urvillei A. Rich. Essai Fl. N.Z. 1832, 60, non Bory in Duperry Voy. Coq. 1829, 248.
Main stems scandent, branched, up to 5 m. long, wiry, flexuose, with scattered minute appressed lvs. Lvs dimorphic. Lateral lvs flattened, subdistichous, spreading, 3-5 mm. long, lanceolate with broad decurrent base, ascending, falcate, acuminate, midrib evident; other lvs minute, linear, appressed. Strobili 2-10 cm. long, terminal on paniculate branchlets. Sporophylls small, broad-ovate, abruptly narrowed to subulate tip.
DIST.: K., N., S., St., Ch. Common in lowland and montane shrubland and forest margins. Waewaekoukou. Polynesia, New Caledonia, N. Australia, Malaya.
Nessel (loc. cit. 369) accepts "Durvillaei" A. Rich. as a variety of L. volubile Forst. f. Branching open, branches elongate; lvs 3·5-4 mm. long; strobili crowded, 3-5 cm. long. The specimen cited (Herb. Wien) is from N., collected by Reischek at "Travavera" [Tarawera?].