Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Glyphis cicatricosa Ach.

G. cicatricosa Ach., Syn. Lich.: 107 (1814).

Thallus in bands or patches 2-4 cm diam., olivaceous or pale grey-green, smooth, continuous, rarely cracked, matt, without a prothallus. Apothecia in raised, round to irregular pseudostromata, 2-12 mm diam., margins white, disc semi-immersed in pseudostromata, 0.2-0.5 mm wide, brown, roughened, irregularly branched, radiate-flexuose, ends rounded. Exciple black, carbonised. Hymenium colourless 150-180 µm thick. Paraphyses simple, unbranched 1.5 µm thick, apices clavate 2.5 µm thick. Ascospores ellipsoid-fusiform, apices pointed or rounded, 6-11-locular, 32-50 × 8.3 µm.

N: South Auckland (Bombay Hill, Mt William Scenic Reserve). On Beilschmiedia tarairi. First discovered in New Zealand by J. K. Bartlett (10/10/1981).


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