Parmeliella subgranulata
Holotype: New Zealand. Northland, Te Paki Bush, 240 m, on Vitex lucens, 7.ix.1982, J.K. Bartlett 19668 – BM. Isotype – CHR.
Description : Thallus foliose, lobate, orbicular, ± rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, 2–6(–10) cm diam., rather loosely attached centrally, margins free. Lobes rather narrow, 1–2(–4) mm wide, ±distinctly concave at margins, ±convex to flat centrally, discrete to subimbricate. Margins slightly thickened, ±undulate to distinctly ascending in parts, rarely entire, normally crenate–pectinate, often imbricate–lobulate, sorediate. Soredia coarsely granular, pseudoisidiate, clustered, bluish grey. Upper surface dark leaden grey-blue when wet, pale-buff when dry, coarsely scabrid particularly at margins. Lower surface white to pale-buff to blackened centrally, densely rhizinate, rhizohyphae white to blue-black, felted, with squarrose apical tuft. Apothecia rare, sessile, scattered, 0.1–2(–2.5) mm diam., with a prominent, raised, whitish proper exciple; disc concave to plane to convex–undulate, pale red-brown to chestnut-brown, sometimes blackened; white, silky excipular hairs at base of fruit. Hymenium I+ persistent deep blue around asci. Ascospores ellipsoidal, ±smooth-walled, 10–18 × 6–7 μm.
Chemistry : ±Ursolic acid.
N: Northland (Te Paki), South Auckland (Tarawera, Kuratau, saddle between Tokaanu and Lake Rotoaira, Waimeha Stream, Waipakahi Valley Kaimanawa Ra.), Gisborne (Mt Hikurangi, Waioeka Gorge), Wellington (Rangipo, Moerangi). S: Nelson (Lake Rotoiti, Springs Junction), Marlborough (Kaikoura), Westland (Kelly's Creek), Canterbury (Dog Stream Hanmer, Banks Peninsula), Southland (Lake Thomson Fiordland). A: (Erebus Cove, Ranui Cove). C: (Tucker Cove). Epiphytic on trees and shrubs, s.l. to 970 m. Parmeliella subgranulata is mainly corticolous, being epiphytic on trees and shrubs in moist, humid, often deeply shaded habitats. It also occurs on coastal limestone (Kaikoura). Closely related to P. granulata but with soredia and distinctly more foliose.
Illustration : Galloway & Jørgensen (1987: 396, fig. 31).
Parmeliella subgranulata is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the foliose–lobate thallus with free margins; rather narrow lobes, (1–2(–4) mm wide, discrete to subimbricate, the margins crenate–pectinate, lobulate and sorediate; coarsely granular, pseudoisidiate, clustered, bluish grey soredia; coarsely scabrid upper surface near lobe margins and apices; densely felted white to blue-black rhizohyphae below; scattered, sessile, concave to plane apothecia, 0.1–2.5 mm diam., the disc pale red-brown to chestnut-brown or somewhat blackened; and ascospores 10–18 × 6–7 μm.