Haematomma hilare
Holotype: New Zealand. Otago. Silver Peaks near Dunedin on Nothofagus menziesii [not Nothofagus solanderi [sic] as erroneously stated by Staiger & Kalb (1995: 119)] at c. 500 m, J.S. Thomson V 82 – W. Isotype – CHR 2411752 [designated as lectotype by Galloway (1985: 181)].
Descriptions : Flora (1985: 181). See also Stainger & Kalb (1995: 119).
Chemistry : Atranorin, usnic acid, methylplacodiolic acid and russulone (Staiger & Kalb 1995).
S: Nelson (St Arnaud Ra.), Westland (Barrack Creek Flat), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Glynn Wye, Cass, Craigieburn Ra.), to Southland (S Mavora Lake, Borland Lodge). Mainly E of the Main Divide on smooth bark and twigs of Nothofagus, especially N. menziesii and N. solandri var. cliffortioides. Also on Lophomyrtus bullata and Weinmannia racemosa. Parasitised by the lichenicolous fungi * Cornutispora ciliata, * Leptorhaphis haematommatum, and * Opegrapha brevissima (Kalb et al. (1995). Known also from Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapí in southern Argentina (Calvelo & Lorenzo 1989: 659).
Exsiccati : Vězda (1982a: No. 1833).
Illustrations : Rogers & Bartlett (1986: 248, fig. 1C; 253, fig. 5C); Calvelo & Lorenzo (1989: 661, fig. 3B); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 74, 99, 131); Lumbsch et al. (2001a: 18).
Haematomma hilare is characterised by: the thin, greenish white thallus; bright-orange to bright-vermilion, epruinose apothecial discs with persistent thalline margins concolorous with thallus; sinuous, 8–12-septate ascospores, (45–)50–60(–65) × 4–5 μm, with pointed apices. Characteristically developed on smooth, beech twigs and bark, often associating with Buellia cf. disciformis, Fuscidea sp., Haematomma nothofagi, Miltidea ceroplasta, Ochrolechia pallescens, Tephromela atra.