Calicium Pers.
* Account prepared by Dr L. Tibell (Uppsala).
Thallus crustaceous, epi- or endosubstratic. When episubstratic the thallus is verrucose-granular, grey, greenish-grey, pale yellowish-green or dark green. Photobiont: Trebouxia. Apothecia well-stalked. Stalk tissue of strongly sclerotized, blackish-brown to greenish-brown hyphae. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci dissolved at early stages, cylindrical-clavate. Ascospores 1-septate, when mature, dark brown with thick walls. Spore wall often with distinctive ornamentation. Pycnidia sessile or slightly immersed, simple, spherical and with simple ostiole. Conidia broadly ellipsoid to short cylindrical, hyaline, simple. Chemistry: Containing β-orcinol depsides and depsidones, xanthones and tetronic acid derivatives.
Until little more than a decade ago many species that are not lichenized and which also differ in several other ways from Calicium sens. strict. , were included in Calicium. In the present treatment these genera, belonging in the family Mycocaliciaceae, are not included. The following genera of Mycocaliciaceae occur in New Zealand: Chaenothecopsis, Mycocalicium, Phaeocalicium and Stenocybe.