Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Hypogymnia lugubris var. sublugubris

H. lugubris var.sublugubris (Müll.Arg.) Elix, Brunonia 2 (2): 207 (1980) ["1979"].

Parmelia physodes var. sublugubris Müll.Arg., Flora 66: 75 (1883).

Description : Flora (1985: 193).

N: Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Wellington (Ruapehu, Hauhungatahi, Tongariro, Waipakahi Valley, Kaimanawa Mts, Tararua Ra.). S: Nelson (Mineral belt), Marlborough (Mt Tapuaenuku Kaikoura Ra.), Canterbury (Mt St Patrick, Craigieburn Ra., Porter's Pass), Otago (Mt Brewster Haast Pass, Ahuriri River, Forgotten River, Arawata Saddle, French Ridge West Matukituki Valley, Cow Saddle Olivine River, Fiery Peak, Fohn Saddle, Rockburn, Pisa Ra., Old Man Ra., Rock & Pillar Ra., Mt Cargill, Flagstaff Hill Dunedin, Maungatua), Southland (Homer, Mt Clerke Resolution I., Dusky Sound, The Wilderness, Alton Valley near Tuatapere, Longwood Ra., Waihopai Scenic Reserve Invercargill). St: (Mt Anglem, Glory Cove Paterson Inlet, Fraser Peaks Port Pegasus). On twigs and bark of Coprosma, Dacrydium bidwillii, Dracophyllum scrub, high-alpine fellfield, Nothofagus, Senecio bidwillii, rocks and bluffs to 2000 m. Known also from Australia (Elix 1980, 1992; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Exsiccati : Elix (1989: No. 182).

Illustration : Elix (1980: 207, fig. 16)

Hypogymnia lugubris var. sublugubris is characterised by: markedly dorsiventral (not erect and terete), small and rather narrow lobes (1–2 mm wide), that are regularly and densely branched; and an upper surface that is commonly wholly blackened or uniformly darkened.

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