Rosellinula R.Sant.,
Type : * Rosellinula haplospora (Th.Fr. & Almq.) R.Sant. [* Endococcus haplosporus Th.Fr. & Almq.]
Description : Lichenicolous. Ascomata pseudothecia, solitary, black, immersed in thallus or apothecial tissues of host, opening by a central ostiole. Perithecial wall brown of several layers of hyphae, outer layers of textura globosa and inner layers of textura intricata. Hamathecium of netted, anastomosing paraphysoids. Asci bitunicate, outer walls I+ blue and with an I+ blue apical structure, cylindrical, many-spored (50–200 per ascus). Ascospores brown, simple, smooth-walled.
Rosellinula is a genus of four species of lichenicolous fungi (Hafellner 2004d), included in Dothideales incertae sedis (Lawrey & Diederich 2003; Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005), characterised by netted paraphysoids, multispored asci, and smooth ascospore walls and differing from * Adelococcus Theiss & Syd. * Muellerella Hepp ex Müll.Arg. (q.v.) in construction of the ascus wall, formation of a hamathecium and differing kinds of periphyses (Hafellner 1985a – sub * Roselliniella; Santesson 1986b; Alstrup & Hawksworth 1990; Matzer & Hafellner 1990). One species is recorded from New Zealand, on species of Brigantiaea (Hafellner 1985a).