Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Endococcus ramalinarius

E. ramalinarius (Linds.) D.Hawksw., Bot. Notiser 132: 287 (1979).

*Microthelia ramalinaria Linds., Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 24: 440 (1866).

*Tichothecium ramalinarum (Linds.) D.Hawksw., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 67: 55 (1976).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago, on dead trunk of "Goai" [= Kowhai (Sophora microphylla)], Green Island Bush, on Ramalina leiodea [=R. inflexa], 26.x.1861, W.L.Lindsay – E [fide Hawksworth (1976: 54)]. Isolectotype – BM.

Description : Lichenicolous. Perithecia, minute, black punctiform (×10 lens) scattered abundantly on host thallus to which they give a rather dirty, blackish appearance, semi-immersed to erumpent on host thallus. Perithecial wall of closely aggregated, dark-brown small cells. Paraphyses absent. Asci cylindrical, thin-walled, 29–35 × 9–14 μm, 8-spored. Ascospores brown, 1-septate, apices rounded to slightly pointed, both cells ±equal, distinctly constricted at septum, 10–13 × 4–4.5 μm.

S: Otago (Dunedin). In his type description Lindsay (1866c: 441) records that he has seen similar material on the apothecia of a species of Ramalina from Concepcion, Chile.


Host : Ramalina inflexa.

Illustrations : Lindsay (1866c: pl. XXX, figs 44–46 – as Microthelia ramalinaria); Hawksworth (1976: 55, fig. 3C).

* Endococcus ramalinarius is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit; the densely scattered black perithecia giving the Ramalina host a somewhat dirty, blackish appearance; and the brown ascospores, distinctly constricted at septum, 10–13 × 4.4–5 μm.

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