Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Melanelia zopheroa (Essl.) Essl.

M. zopheroa (Esslinger) Esslinger, Mycotaxon 7: 49 (1978).

Parmelia zopheroa Esslinger, J. Hattori bot. Lab. 42: 96 (1977).

Thallus closely attached centrally, often raised at margins and lobe ends, 3-7 cm diam. Lobes 3-7(-10) mm broad, ± flat, broad and rounded, contiguous to imbricate. Upper surface olive-green to olive-brown or dark brown, smooth to weakly wrinkled at margins, often strongly wrinkled-plicate centrally, matt or slightly shining at lobe apices, sometimes with a scattered, light pruina, pseudocyphellae laminal, numerous, small, white, isidia and soredia absent. Lower surface pale tan to dark brown, smooth to wrinkled, moderately rhizinate. Rhizines ± concolorous with lower surface, to 1 mm long. Apothecia common, sessile or subpedicellate, concave, to 6 mm diam., margins entire, pseudocyphellate. Ascospores ellipsoid to cylindrical 8-15 × 5-8 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. TLC nil.

S: Canterbury (Waipara, Godley Peaks, Cass, Boyle River), Otago (Becks). Mainly east of the Main Divide on twigs of shrubs (Discaria, Hymenanthera) in subalpine grassland. Also in Chile.


An undescribed sorediate counterpart species (TLC nil), is known from Sycamore bark (Hanmer State Forest).

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