Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Lecidella carpathica

L. carpathica Körb., Parerga Lich.: 212 (1861).

=Lecidea suprasedens Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-naturwiss Kl. 104: 297 (1941).

=Lecidea durietzii H.Magn., Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 37: 283 (1943).

Lecidea suprasedens. Holotype: New Zealand. Otago, Abbott's Hill near Dunedin, on volcanic rock, J.S. Thomson T 983 [ZA 33] – W. Isotype – CHR.

Lecidea durietzii. Holotype: New Zealand, Otago, Cromwell on rocks at the railway station, 17.iii.1927, G. Einar & Greta Du Rietz 2178a: 9 – UPS [associating with Candelariella vitellina, Lecidea sarcogynoides, and Sarcogyne simplex].

Description : Flora (1985: 242 and 231 – as Lecidea durietzii; 240 – as Lecidea suprasedens).

Chemistry : Thallus K+ yellow or −, C−, KC+ orange-red, PD+ yellow or −; containing thuringione, diploicin, chloratranorin and 4,5-dichlor-3- O -methylnorlichexanthone (Knoph 1990: 82; Knoph & Leuckert 1997).

N: Wellington. S: Otago (Cromwell, Waikouaiti Reservoir, Abbott's Hill Dunedin, Otago Peninsula). On sunny rocks, stone fences (basaltic rocks). Known also from Great Britain, Europe, Scandinavia, the Arctic, Asia, Macaronesia, North Africa, North, Central and South America, Madagascar, Hawai'i, and Australia (Hertel 1971a, 1977a, 1984b; Knoph 1990; McCarthy 2003c, 2006; Nimis & Martellos 2003; Knoph & Leuckert 2004).


Illustrations : Lindsay (1866b: pl. LLXIII, fig. 23 – as Lecidea parasema var. latypea); Foucard (1990: fig. 212); Wirth (1995a: 524).

Lecidella carpathica is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; the grey-white, minutely granular to areolate thallus without a delimiting prothallus and often obscured by crowded apothecia; the numerous sessile, 1–6-confluent, black epruinose apothecia, with persistent, flexuous–contorted margins, concolorous with disc; the brown-black hypothecium; the green-black to blue-black epithecium; ellipsoidal ascospores (8–)10–12(–15) × 5–8.5 μm; and a chemistry comprising thuringione, diploicin, chloratranorin and 4,5-dichlor-3- O -methylnorlichexanthone (KC+ orange). Recorded in 19th century accounts as Lecidea parasema var. latypea and as Lecidea latypiza (e.g. Nylander 1866b, 1888; Lindsay 1866b).

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