Uncinia sinclairii Boott
Original localities: "Tarndale?, Sinclair; Lake Tennyson, alt. 4,400 ft., Travers." Type: K, Sinclair (fide Hamlin).
Shortly rhizomatous, turf-forming, rhizome 1–2 mm. diam. Culms 7–30 cm. × 0.5–1 mm., erect, us. glab., but occ. faintly scabrid just below infl.; basal bracts dull grey-brown. Lvs 6–9 per culm, < or occ. almost = culms, 1.5–3 mm. wide, rather stiff. Spikes 1–2 cm. × 4–7 mm., oblong to obovate, ebracteate, male fls ± inconspicuous, female fls c. 10–15 close-set, internodes ± equal. Glumes = utricles, persistent, ovate, obtuse or subacute, coriac., straw-coloured or light greyish brown with a broad, pale green midrib, the central nerves thickened and conspicuous. Utricles 4.5–6 × 1.5–2 mm., plano-convex, elliptical, coriac., grey-brown to dark brown, nerved below and with a stronger lateral nerve, hispid on margins and both surfaces of upper half, beak and stipe hardly narrowed, c. 0.5 mm. long.
On the eastern side in tussock grassland and boggy ground from 400–1,400 m. altitude. Not common.
A Travers specimen from Lake Tennyson is also at K.