Uncinia Pers.
Type sp.: U. uncinata (Linn. f.) Kük.
Infl. a simple terminal spike with unisexual fls, ♂ at top, ♀ lower, in 1-fld spikelets each subtended by a glume; ♂ with 3 stamens; ♀ surrounded by a plano-convex to trigonous, us. glab., occ. hispid, closed sac or utricle; style-branches 3, protruding from mouth of utricle; nut trigonous; axis of spikelet, the rhachilla, produced beyond mouth of utricle and terminating in a rigid glume which is sharply reflexed to form a hook. Perennial herbs, tufted or shortly rhizomatous. Culms ± trigonous, occ. terete, with bract-like sheaths at base. Lvs grass-like, linear, us. Shallowly channelled, almost flat towards the base, flanged-channelled towards the tip, occ. involute, rarely plano-convex, margins ± scabrid, tip us. trigonous, lf-base sheathing. Between 40 and 50 spp., mainly in the S. Hemisphere but not found in S. Africa. Most N.Z. spp. are endemic but 2 are recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.
- A.
- Utricles hispid or scabrid.
- 1.
- Spikes 2–3 cm. long, fls closely imbricating, coriac., persistent. Plants of open country:
- 1. sinclairii, 2. elegans (Series Macrolepidae)
- 2.
- Spikes (3)–5–15 cm. long, lax-fld. Glumes membr. or subcoriac., persistent or deciduous. Plants of forest:
- 3. leptostachya, 4. scabra, 5. distans (Series Leptostachyae)
- B.
- Utricles glab.
- 1.
- Glumes persistent (Series Ripariae)
- (a)
- Spikes 2–5–(8) cm. long. Grassland spp.:
- 6. purpurata, 7. fuscovaginata, 8. rubra
- (b)
- Spikes (3)–5–10–(14) cm. long. Spp. us. in forest or scrub:
- 9. silvestris, 10. affinis, 11. laxiflora, 12. egmontiana, 13. strictissima
- 2.
- Glumes deciduous
- (a)
- Glumes membr. Female fls up to 40 per spike
- (i)
- Utricles trigonous, contracted above to a conspicuous beak ()
- α
- Utricles green to grey-brown. Internodes increasing in length from top to base of spike
- *
- Glumes < or = utricles:
- 14. zotovii, 15. rupestris, 16. angustifolia, 17. filiformis, 18. longifructus, 19. gracilenta
- **
- Glumes > utricles:
- 20. caespitosa, 21. involuta, 22. viridis
- β
- Utricles yellow or brown, shining, densely crowded. Internodes of spikes of equal length:
- 23. drucei, 24. divaricata, 25. nervosa
- (ii)
- Utricles subtrigonous, plano-convex or terete, narrowed to a beak only slightly narrower than utricle:
- 26. hookeri, 27. aucklandica, 28. astonii, 29. banksii (Series Graciles), and 19. gracilenta
- (b)
- Glumes subcoriac. or coriac. Female fls (40)–60–150 per spike. Spikes robust, elongate, dense-fld:
- 30. uncinata, 31. clavata, 32. ferruginea (Series Australes)
Most spp. flower between October and November and fr. is set between November and January.
The genus was monographed by Kükenthal in Pflanzenr. 38, 1909, 50–67. The N.Z. spp. have been revised by Hamlin in Bull. Dom. Mus., Wellington 19, 1959, 1–106 and the present treatment is based to a large extent on Hamlin's work.
C. B. Clarke (J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 20, 1883, 389, 396) subdivided Uncinia into two sections: 1) Stenandrae, filaments filiform, not dilated; utricles glab., rarely hispidulous; glumes coriac. or membr., persistent or deciduous. Spp. of N.Z., Australia and Patagonia, extending north to Malaysia and Hawaii. 2) Platyandrae, filaments dilated; utricles hispidulous; glumes coriac., persistent. Spp. of South America, extending north to Mexico and the West Indies, Tristan da Cunha, Amsterdam and Kerguelen Is. Hamlin (Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 3, 1958, 85–8) subdivided Sect. Uncinia (= Stenandrae C. B. Clarke) into several series. The following synopsis is based on Hamlin's treatment and also on his key to the series in Bull. Dom Mus., Wellington 19, 1959, 8–9. The characters used here are those of N.Z. spp. only and since this synopsis is by no means a key to each series as a whole the series names appear only in brackets.
Fig. 41. UNCINIA. Inflorescences: in U. uncinata and in U. gracilenta only lower part of spike is shown; in U. banksii the central portion is omitted. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X30]
Fig. 42. UNCINIA. Utricles, with exserted stigmas and hooked rhachillas. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X31]