Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Libocedrus Endl.

LIBOCEDRUS Endl., 1847

Plants monoec., rarely dioec.; strobili terminal on short branchlets. Male strobili with 6-12 decussately arranged sporophylls, broadly ovate to subpeltate, with prominent apiculus; sporangia 4, free, pend. Female branchlets with 4 decussate carpidia, inner pair ovulate; ovules erect, collateral; mature carpidia hardening to form a cone, with short or long mucro; cone finally gaping. Ripe seeds compressed, unequally winged. Trees with opp., imbricate lvs. Recent workers restrict the genus to 3 spp. in N. Caledonia and 2 in N.Z. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.


Branchlets flattened; cones 1·5 cm. long or more; dorso-ventral and lateral lvs unequal
Branchlets tetragonous; cones not more than 1 cm. long; dorso-Ventral and lateral lvs about equal
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