Cladia sullivanii (Müll.Arg.) W.Martin
Cladonia sullivanii Müll. Arg., Flora 65: 294 (1882).
Thallus in mats or cushions 5-15(-30) cm diam., terricolous or muscicolous. Primary thallus nodular-papillate, evanescent. Pseudopodetia dying at base, 2.5-11 cm tall, 0.5-4 mm diam., subcylindrical or angular or somewhat flattened, yellowish and black, brown or pale greenish-grey, corticate, dull, opaque, minutely crystalline (×10 lens), spongy when wet, rigid when dry, branching dichotomous and sympodial, branches spreading or suberect, sterile apices blunt or obtusely spurred, axils closed, walls perforate, perforations circular, oval or elongate, in several series but fewer and less regular than in C. retipora. Medulla filling central canal, whitish above, black or brown below. Apothecia minute, 0.25-0.35 mm diam., peltate, dark brown or black, single or clustered on apical branchlets. Chemistry: Cortex K- or faint +, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid.
N: Te Aroha to Wellington. S: Nelson to Southland. St: On subalpine peat bogs and lowland peat soils and heaths.
C. sullivanii is characterised by the dark brown or black medullary hyphae which fill the central canal, and by the crystalline outer surface which distinguishes it from the related C. fuliginosa.