Hypotrachyna ensifolia (Kurok.) Hale
Parmelia ensifolia Kurok. in Hale et Kurok., Contr. U.S. natn. Herb. 36: 172 (1964).
Thallus loosely attached, 1-10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes ± dichotomously branched, sublinear-elongate, 1-4 mm wide. Upper surface pearly grey or whitish, shining, margins phyllidiate. Phyllidia numerous, ascending, short rhizinate below, often branched to 1.5 mm long, spreading over whole upper surface. Maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface black, smooth, densely rhizinate. Rhizines black, shining, dichotomously branched. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Atranorin, alectoronic and (-collatolic acids (UV+ blue-white).
S: Otago (Mt Brewster). On bark and twigs of Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides at treeline. Still very poorly collected in New Zealand and probably more widely distributed in beech forest.
Easily recognised by the dichotomously branching lobes and the ± copious development of marginal and laminal, flattened phyllidia.