Parmelinopsis subfatiscens
≡Parmelia subfatiscens Kurok. in M.E. Hale & S. Kurokawa, Contr.U. S. Natl Herb. 36: 134 (1964).
≡Parmelina subfatiscens (Kurok) Hale, Phytologia 28: 483 (1974).
≡Hypotrachyna subfatiscens (Kurok.) Swinscow & Krog, Macrolichens of East Africa: 122 (1988).
Description : Thallus adnate, fragile, to 3–7 cm diam. Lobes discrete to contiguous, sublinear–elongate, dichotomously branched, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, margins ciliate, cilia to 1 mm long. Upper surface whitish grey, plane, glossy, continuous, pustulate. Pustules laminal and subapical, entire or producing very coarse sorediate or isidiate–sorediate masses, ultimately eroding, the exposed medulla turning black. Medulla white. Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines dense, simple, black. Apothecia rare, sessile, 1.5–4 mm wide; disc concave; thalline exciple pustulate, Ascospores 12–14 × 8–9 μm. Pycnidia rare. Conidia cylindrical or bacillar, 3–5 × 0.5 μm.
Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose, Pd−; containing atranorin, chloroatranorin, 3-methoxy-2,4-di- O -methylgyrophoric acid (major), gyrophoric acid (minor), 2,4-di- O -methylgyrophoric acid (minor), 5- O -methylhiascic acid (minor), umbilicaric acid (minor/tr.), hiascic acid (tr.), 2,4,5-tri- O -methylhiascic acid (tr.) and 4,5-di- O -methylhiascic acid (minor/tr.) (Elix & Wardlaw 2000).
N: Auckland City, South Auckland (Te Aroha, Wairongomai Stream; Whale I., N of Taupo), Gisborne (Urewera National Park). S: Nelson (Westport), Canterbury (Peel Forest), Otago (Dunedin). On bark of living shrubs (gorse) and on native and introduced trees (Phyllocladus, Podocarpus), s.l. to 400 m. Known also from the West Indies, South America, South and East Africa, Papua New Guinea and Australia (Hale 1976b; Swinscow & Krog 1988, Elix & Johnston 1991: 10; Elix 1994m; Louwhoff & Elix 2002a; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Hale (1976b: 45, fig. 19F – as Parmelina subfatiscen s); Elix (1994o: 137, fig. 54C); Louwhoff & Elix (2002a: 137, fig. 76); Kantvilas et al. (2002: 126).
Parmelinopsis subfatiscens is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the presence of simple cilia; and laminal and subapical pustules (pustules entire or producing very coarse isidiate–sorediate clusters); and the medullary chemistry.