Amandinea insperata
≡Lecanora insperata Nyl., Lich. Nov. Granat. 1: 443 (1863). [For additional synonymy see Mayrhofer et al. (1999: 191)].
=Lecanora proprior Nyl., Lich. Nov. Zel.: 60 (1888).
≡Rinodina proprior (Nyl.) Müll.Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 52 (1894).
Lecanora proprior. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (? Auckland), 1868, Charles Knight s.n. – H-NYL 30049.
Description : Thallus corticolous, smooth, thin or thick, areolate or verrucose, dirty whitish, pale-brown to pale-grey, without a prothallus. Apothecia 0.4–0.5 mm diam., scattered to crowded, lecanorine at first, becoming biatorine and finally lecideine, immersed to adnate; disc plane to convex, black, matt. Thalline margins initially prominent, concolorous with thallus, soon disappearing. Epithecium to 10 μm thick, reddish brown to dark-brown unchanged in K. Hymenium 70–90 μm tall, hyaline. Hypothecium 50–70 μm thick, dark-brown. Paraphyses simple or branched, 1–1.5 μm thick, apices swollen, 4–6 μm diam., reddish brown to dark-brown. Asci clavate, Bacidia -type (Rambold et al. 1994). Ascospores Orcularia -type, spore ontogeny type A, torus absent, pale yellowish brown to pale-brown, smooth, 14–19 × 6–8 μm. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia filiform, 25–30 × 1 μm.
Chemistry : TLC−, all reactions negative.
N: Auckland S: Nelson (Golden Bay, E of Takaka, Okiwi Bay, Pelorus Bridge). On bark of Sophora, associating with the lichens Rinodina boleana and Teloschistes chryophthalmus. Known also from South America and Australia (Mayrhofer et al. 1999: 192; McCarthy 2003c).
Illustrations : Nylander (1888: tab. 1, fig. 15 – as Lecanora proprior); Mayrhofer et al. (1999: 191, fig. 15); Edler (2002: 65, fig. 20).
Amandinea insperata is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the variable apothecia; Orcularia -type ascospores; Bacidia -type asci; the brown hypothecium; and the filiform conidia.