Acrocordia A.Massal.
Thallus crustose, ± undifferentiated. Photobiont green ? Trentepohlia. Perithecia immersed or ± superficial. Asci bitunicate, cylindrical with a well developed apical dimple. Paraphyses persistent, rigid, ± netlike. Ascospores uniseriate, ellipsoid, 1-3-septate, thick-walled, with a warted epispore.
Acrocordia, discussed by Harris [Mich. Bot. 12: 8-9 (1973)], is placed in the family Strigulaceae, and is distinguished from Arthopyrenia by the more cylindrical ascus, smaller foot, better developed apical dimple and by the uniseriate arrangement of ascospores [Richardson and MorganJones Lichenologist 2: 205-224 (1964)]. Two species, both corticolous, are known from North I., but the genus is very poorly known and collected in New Zealand. It is probably ± frequent on the bark of introduced deciduous trees and shrubs.