Hypericum L.
Deciduous or evergreen herbs, often with annual stems, or shrubs; stems often angular. Lvs opposite or whorled, usually entire, often dotted with glands. Fls in terminal panicles or cymes, sometimes solitary, sometimes axillary, ⚥, occasionally distylous. Sepals (4)-5, often unequal. Petals (4)-5, nearly always yellow, often oblique, contorted in bud. Stamens usually numerous, sometimes few, usually connate at base in 3 or 5 (rarely 4) bundles, sometimes antipetalous. Ovary 1-5-locular, with parietal or axile placentation, if 1-locular then with 3-5 parietal placentae. Styles (2)-3-5, free or connate. Fr. usually a septicidal capsule, more rarely baccate.
c. 400 spp., temperate and subtropical regions. Native spp. 2, naturalised 10 and 1 hybrid.
In addition to the spp. described below, there are a number cultivated in N.Z., most as rock garden plants. The petals of Hypericum spp. are liable to shrink greatly when dried unless precautions are taken.
Fig. 54. Fls of Hypericum. A H. calycinum; B H. × inodorum; C H. perforatum; D H. henryi. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5E]
Fig. 55. Fleshy frs in Hypericum. A H. androsaemum; B H. × inodorum. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5F]